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The Journey From Curiosity to Customers: The Eagle Has Landed!

curiosity to clarity to customers

NASA’s Apollo 11 mission, July 20, 1969, accomplished landing a man on the moon for the first time in history. The spacecraft was launched from Kennedy Space Center on July 16, then traveled over 240,000 miles and descended to the lunar surface. Armstrong and Aldrin landed in the Sea of Tranquility where Armstrong announced, “The […]

Uniting Teams Around Shared Clarity: How Research Can Be a Key to Business Success

Explorers Uniting Teams With Shared Clarity

Coronado’s search for Cibola, The Seven Cities of Gold, and Lewis and Clark’s expedition west, though both significant in American exploration history, were driven by different motivations and resulted in different outcomes. Coronado’s 16th-century quest was triggered by myths, rumors, and vague theories. The goal was to discover vast wealth available in the Seven Cities […]

Navigating the Business Landscape: Leveraging Insights as Your GPS for Strategic Planning

GPS Navigation

Photo above by José Martín Ramírez Carrasco on Unsplash Leveraging insights is essential when developing a business plan. These insights can act as a GPS system, guiding organizations towards success and enabling them to make informed decisions. This article will explore the importance of leveraging insights in strategic planning and provide guidance on how to […]

Unearthing Your Business’s Potential: The Art of Opportunity Archeology

Opportunity Archeology

Often business opportunities lie beneath the surface, just waiting to be discovered. Much like an archaeologist who painstakingly excavates ancient ruins to uncover hidden treasures, a marketer must delve into the market landscape to unearth these latent business opportunities. This process, akin to archaeology, involves observation, excavation, and evaluation. Surveying the Landscape: Market Observation An […]

Business Partner or Business Ally? – Navigating Critical Business Relationships

Strong relationships are vital for business success, and understanding the various types of relationships is essential for effective collaboration. Two critical relationships in the business world are those with business partners versus business allies. Although both play important roles in an organization’s growth, they differ significantly in terms of their nature, responsibilities, and engagement. Let’s […]

Innovation and Marketing Insight Missions: Comparing an Insight Project to a Military Mission

Let’s explore the similarities between marketing insight projects and innovation insight projects (both referred to as an Insight Mission by CLARITY) and a military mission, highlighting the strategic precision required in both cases to achieve success. An insight project in a business or research context is a focused initiative aimed at gathering and analyzing data […]